Newborn Blood Spot Screening
Many parents are unaware that newborn screening happens during the first days following their child’s birth. Understanding that, it’s critically important to provide education before labor and delivery, allowing parents time to understand the newborn screening process and their options. Educating parents about the newborn screening process in the prenatal period is encouraged and recommended by multiple professional associations, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the March of Dimes.
Prenatal Education
- Talk with expectant parents using the Parent Conversation Script as a guide.
- Give expectant parents the Guide to Kansas Family Resources pamphlet.
- For more detailed condition and program information, the Newborn Screening Brochure can be used.
- Address any questions or concerns expectant parents may have and refer them to this website for more information.
What Expectant Parents Need to Know
- Blood Spot: When a baby is at least 24 hours old, the birth facility will take a few drops of blood from the baby’s heel and send it to the Kansas Department of Health & Environmental Laboratories to screen for 32 treatable conditions. These disorders are difficult to detect clinically; without newborn screening, affected newborns may not be diagnosed until damage has already been done.
- Newborn Hearing Screening Program (NBHS) (EDHI) When a baby is at least 12 hours old, the birth facility will arrange for the baby’s hearing to be screened. A child with hearing loss – even a mild loss – may have difficulty with speech and language development. Hearing loss cannot be easily detected by parents or health care professionals without hearing screening and follow-up testing.
- Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD): When a baby is at least a day old, the birth facility will arrange screening for CCHD. Babies with CCHD appear healthy at birth but are at risk for serious, life-threatening complications. If CCHD is detected early, treatments are often available that can help affected newborns lead longer, healthier lives.
- If a baby has an abnormal blood spot screen, the baby’s primary provider will arrange for further testing and evaluation.
Parents can obtain their baby’s newborns screening results from their baby’s primary care provider.